Our Church is active in sharing our blessing with others.  We encourage all members to be ministers in the world by helping where they feel called to be, but also offer opportunities connected with the church.

Our “ministers” to the world are the people of our congregation.

Here is a list of our church leaders…

Pine Island UMC Leaders 11-28-2023

Pastor Tony


Tony Fink’s ministry passion is to help others come to a more profound and deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.  He believes the mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. He is working with the congregation so that we truly are a place of Love… Hope… A Place to Belong!  Tony can be contacted at tony@piumc.org, or at (507) 236-3781

Jen Sorum

Office Administrator

Jen Sorum is the person in the church office. If you need anything, please reach out to her.  For any questions you can call her at (507) 356‑4553 or email Jen at office@piumc.org

Joel at Piano (2022)

Choir Director and Pianist

Joel Blair’s music education includes St. Paul Bible College (currently Crown College) in St. Bonifacius, Minnesota, and seminary work at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth Texas. Joel served as musical director for Cornerstone Theatre in Fort Worth for eight years before moving to Rochester to open Sam’s Club. We are pleased Joel has brought his music talent to Pine Island United Methodist Church.