
What we are doing in our local missions and beyond:

Caring Ministry
An outreach to people who are home-bound and in nursing homes to help them build caring relationships and find joy in Christ.
Contact: Joleta Smith at

Minnesota Food Share
This ministry fights hunger by mobilizing communities to raise food and funds for 300 partnering food shelves through the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign, and works year-round to advocate on behalf of the hungry.
Contact: The Church Office at

Pine Island Sharing Shelves
Pine Island Sharing Shelves provides everyday items like toilet paper to those in need.
Contact: The Church Office at

Prison Ministry
Prison Ministry At Federal Medical Center (FMS), Rochester: Several teams that work with chaplains, seeking to prepare men for life on outside.
Contact: Rick Ormsby at and Al Trelstad at

LOVE Project
The LOVE project is a local Christmas project to help supply families with presents and a dinner at Christmas time and other help throughout the year. 
Contact: Renee Richter at

International School Building:
Our Mission team help construct, repair, and remodel schools in 3rd world countries. Our focus is on Jamaica, Sierra Leone, Haiti and Liberia.
Contact: Rick Ormsby at


Missions Brochure