Worship Archive - 2022

As time passes, we can look back on our experiences and the cumulative lessons we have learned. Below are the full and highlights versions of services from the year 2022.


You can always find the current week’s worship experiences on the worship page.

December 25th, 2022

Christmas Day


While you may be more familiar with the story of the baby in the manger as told in the Gospel of Luke, today, Pastor Tony considers the mind-blowing miracle that is the duality of Christ–that Jesus is both fully human and fully God at the same time. The Gospel of John tackled this mystery nearly two millenia ago, so that seems like a good place to start.



December 24th, 2022 – 11:00 pm

Christmas Eve


Once again, Pastor Tony recounts the narrative of the birth of Jesus, ending with a candlelight sing.

December 24th, 2022 – 4:00 pm

Christmas Eve


Through song and Scripture, Pastor Tony relays the story of the birth of Jesus, culminating in a candlelight sing.

December 18th, 2022

Fourth Sunday of Advent


Pastor Tony considers the news of Mary’s pregnancy from the perspective of Joseph. How would you have reacted?

December 11th, 2022
Third Sunday of Advent


The children perform their Christmas program, Christmas? Bah, Humbug!  Then, Pastor Tony tackles one of the toughest questions facing Jesus’ followers: We know we’re called to be witnesses. How do we do it?

December 4th, 2022

Second Sunday of Advent

Are you producing fruit? 

That is the question Pastor Tony asks the congregation, you, me, and himself. We may be saved through faith in Jesus, but faith without fruit is wasted.

November 27th, 2022

First Sunday of Advent


As we begin the season of preparation for the fulfillment of God’s promise of the Messiah’s first coming, Pastor Tony discusses attitudes toward preparing for His second coming.



November 20th, 2022

Confirmation Sunday


This week we are celebrating Confirmation Sunday as Mike confirms his baptismal vows and his faith in Jesus.


Pastor Tony discusses how to live a life that is pleasing to Jesus.

November 13th, 2022


Special Guest Jeramy Girard

November 6th, 2022

All Saints’ Sunday


Do you want more joy in your life? Of course you do. Who doesn’t? Today, Pastor Tony considers what it means to be “blessed,” and what it means to bless. What does that have to do with having more joy?

October 30th, 2022


Pastor Tony examines the story of Zacchaeus, a tax collector whose life was transformed by Jesus. And when Jesus transforms a life, He goes all the way. Pay attention to the details of just how far Zacchaeus went to turn his life around.

October 16th, 2022

Laity Sunday


Today, we look at the amazing ministry performed by the laity, not the pastor, but by people like you. Remember, Jesus called all of us to spread the Good News and to show our love for God by loving our neighbor as ourselves. Here is a look at just some of the ways the laity have done been doing that.

October 9th, 2022


How thankful are you for what you have been given? In a story about 10 lepers and Jesus, only one out of the ten returned to Jesus to give thanks. Would you guess that you’d be one of the nine, or the one who came back? Another question is how can we nurture an attitude of thankfulness?

 October 2, 2022

Confirmation Sunday


This week we are celebrating Confirmation Sunday as Kylie confirms her baptismal vows and her faith in Jesus. 


We are also going to hear about how serving Jesus as our Lord helps us to increase our faith. 

September 25th, 2022


This week Jesus tells a parable about a rich man and a certain poor man named Lazarus. This is interesting in itself, because parables don’t have characters who have names, except this one exception. It also raises another question of for whom you and I are responsible.

September 18th, 2022


This week Jesus tells his disciples a story that has been called the Parable of the Dishonest Manager. At first glance, Jesus seems to be commending this soon to be fired manager for his dishonesty. That’s kind of troubling. We’re going to look at this story in more detail and see if it has a message for you and I today.

September 11th, 2022


Special Guest Jeramy Girard.

September 4th, 2022


Anyone ever tell you that following Jesus is always easy?  Hey, people in the sanctuary, is following Jesus always easy?


How about you at home?  Go ahead and shout at the screen!


Following Jessus might be invigorating, or joyful, or fulfilling, or challenging at times, but it’s not always easy.  There is a cost to following Jesus.  Today we will look at what that cost means in your life?

And more importantly, is it worth it?

August 28th, 2022


Today, Jesus is talking about who gets invited to parties.  And we will consider who we invite to meet our Lord and Savior, Jesus.  Who do we introduce to our friend?  Who do we tell about Jesus?


It’s time for us to extend the welcome!

August 21st, 2022


Today, we are celebrating the baptism of Graham Davis Smithers. 

We are also hearing about Jesus breaking the important commandment of not working on the Sabbath.  And we will consider if there are any long-held rules that we have which hinder us following Jesus and serving Jesus as our Lord.

August 14th, 2022


Special Guest Rev. Marilyn Loken.

August 7th, 2022


For almost the last 2,000 years, Christians have been wondering if we are living in or near the “end times.”  We believe that Jesus will come again in all his glory.


Yet, the bigger question for you and me should be whether or not we are ready when our Lord and Master returns.  What does it take to be prepared when Jesus comes again?  Are you ready for Jesus?  What things rule our hearts?

July 31st, 2022


We don’t know about you, but Tony has a problem with “collecting” things.  All you have to do is take a look in his garage or in his basement to know what he’s talking about.  Do you have the temptation to “collect” things like he does? 


But you know, the rule, “The one who dies having the most stuff wins” doesn’t apply to us who follow Jesus.  There is a treasure that is worth much more than the things we think we own.  We’ll look at what this richness is today.

July 24th, 2022


If you’ve ever desired to pray better, today is your day!  One day the disciples of Jesus asked him to teach them how to pray… and he did.  We will hear about the way to pray that Jesus taught them.  And along the way, maybe you and I will learn more about how we can pray even better to and with God.

July 17th, 2022


Special Guest Jeramy Girard

July 10th, 2022


What must I do to inherit eternal life?  Is that the question all of us should be asking?  Not just eternal life after we die, the afterlife, but also having an abundant life right now – which is part of eternity.

And as we look at the world around us, what is our response as we love God with everything we got, and loving our neighbor?

July 3rd, 2022


In addition to the twelve disciples, Jesus also sent out seventy-two others to heal and share the God news that God’s kingdom had arrived.  


Jesus also wants to send us out on a mission for God – so what might our commission from Jesus be?

June 26th, 2022


There are many things that get in the way of us truly following Jesus.  What can we do so that we can free up more space for Jesus in our lives?


We will also hear about how our congregation has been changing lives through our ministries of Vacation Bible School, and Junior and Senior High Camp at Northern Pines Camp and Retreat Center.



Northern Pines Camp


Pine Island VBS Thank You

June 19th, 2022


This week we are hearing about the power of Jesus Christ to change our lives… and the possibility of new life that this brings. 

June 12th, 2022


Today, Bob Hawley from Goodhue County Habitat for Humanity is with us to tell us about the great work Habitat is doing in our area.

June 5th, 2022



This week we are celebrating Pentecost Sunday.  This was the day 2,000 years ago when the Holy Spirit was poured upon the disciples… and they were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and the Christian Church was born… adding 3,000 new believers on that day.


We will also look at Philip’s request that he see Jesus’ heavenly Father – and what it takes for us to see God.

May 29th, 2022


On this Memorial Day weekend, we are in the church year between the time that Jesus ascended to heaven, leaving the disciples alone, as they are told to wait for heavenly power from the Holy Spirit. 


We, too this week, are wondering what comes next – and how we are to go forward.

May 22, 2022


This week we are celebrating our graduating high school seniors and we are also remembering those who have died this past year. 


In this context we will be remembering that Jesus is with us wherever we go, an especially good thing to know when we venture into new experiences and places.

May 15th, 2022


This morning we have a special guest, Rev. Cynthia Williams. Pastor Cynthia is also our District Superintendent. 


She is preaching today on living our lives to the fullest and having a love that is beyond fear.

May 8th, 2022


In Jesus’ time, shepherds were not what we are used to in the upper Midwest today.  Jesus tells us that he is the Good Shepherd – one who knows each of his sheep by name.  A loving shepherd who would even give up his life to save his sheep – and offers us abundant, eternal life.

May 1st, 2022


Have you ever been in a place where it seemed as though your faith has lost its vitality?

Today we catch of with the inner circle of Jesus’ disciples… And they are acting as though Jesus hasn’t been resurrected by going fishing for fish instead of fishing for people – like Jesus told them to. 

How can we breathe freshness back into our relationship with Jesus?

April 24, 2022


Today, we consider the experience of Thomas, the disciple who simply couldn’t wrap his mind around the resurrection of Jesus. As you engage in the experience, reflect on the times your faith hasn’t been as strong as you’d like, then consider how Thomas handled it. See any similarities? Differences?

April 17, 2022

Easter Sunday


It is the most joyous day in the world!

If Easter never happened, if Jesus would not have been raised from the dead, we would not have a Christian Church.  And this morning we celebrate this world changing event!

April 14th-15th, 2022

Holy Week


Between Palm Sunday and Easter, we remember the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples, and also his arrest, torture, and crucifixion on the cross…

April 10, 2022


This week we begin by hearing about the joy and triumph as Jesus enters Jerusalem amid palm branches and shouts of Hosanna! 


And we end by looking at the rest of Holy Week as Jesus has his Last Supper with his disciples and institutes the meal of Holy Communion. 

And after the meal we hear of the betrayal and denial of his closest followers, his arrest, torture and death on the cross.  All of this culminates in the lifeless body of Jesus being laid in the tomb.

April 3, 2022


Today we hear about Jesus, while at a dinner party about week he was executed on the cross for us, predicted his own death.


And still, Jesus continues on his final journey to Jerusalem and what awaits him.

March 27, 2022


Today we are looking at a son who made some bad decisions, a loving Father who forgave him – and an older brother who was not so forgiving.

March 20th, 2022

As we continue our journey toward Easter, we continue exploring how determined Jesus was to go to Jerusalem, and the need for us to have our hearts and lives changed.

March 13th, 2022

Today, we consider how determined Jesus was to go to Jerusalem, fully aware of the fate that awaited Him there.

March 6th, 2022

On this first Sunday in Lent, we look at the three temptations Jesus faced in the wilderness and consider what we need to leave behind as we go out and serve God.

March 2nd, 2022

As the season of Lent begins, we prepare for the coming weeks with our Ash Wednesday service.