Welcome to the Worship Archive

Here, you will find an archive of previous worship experiences. It’s important to remember that worship is fluid. We age. We grow. We learn. We evolve. Therefore, while God may be the same throughout history, our experience of God is not. Looking back, we see where we’ve been and if we’re still on track to where we need to be.

You can always find the current week’s worship experiences on the worship page.

This is our worship service for Sunday, March 24, 2024


This week is a rollercoaster of worship.  We begin with the joyous triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, and our children are singing as we celebrate Palm Sunday.  And we finish our service remembering the last hours of Jesus’ life, his death on the cross, and his burial.  Finally, we are left waiting for the surprise that we know is coming on Easter morning…

Sunday, March 10, 2024


This week we hear about the love that God has for us – a love so strong that he gave his Son for us!  And we consider our response to God’s love.  Will we accept the gift of God’s forgiving grace?  Will our lives be changed?

This is our worship service for Sunday, March 3, 2024


This week we hear about Jesus, at the very beginning of his ministry, predicting that he will be killed… and then on the third day, rise from the dead. 


If he can pull this off, well that just might change the world – and the rules of the universe!

Sunday, February 25, 2024


This week we hear Jesus telling his disciples that he will be rejected by the religious authorities and be killed.  Simon Peter grabs Jesus, and scolds Jesus, and tells him that he’s wrong. 


You can imagine how that went. 


Jesus then continues to tell his disciples and the larger crowd what the cost is of making the decision to follow him.

This is our worship service for Sunday, February 18, 2024


This week we hear the story of Jesus being forced by the Holy Spirit to a 40‑day retreat in the wilderness…  and what this retreat prepared him to do.

Sunday, February 11, 2024


This week we hear the story of Jesus being on the mountain top with Peter, James, and John – and how his appearance was changed… transfigured in their presence.


We will also consider when we have experienced “thin places” in our lives – and how we can open ourselves up to experience more of them.

Christmas Eve, December 24, 2023

We joyfully greet our members and their loved ones and all our guests as we worship Jesus at our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service!

We remember together, with awe and gratitude how God shone his light into our darkness on that first Christmas. We pray that we may be bearers of his light to all who languish in the darkness of poverty, illness and fear. May we share with the world the light that shines from the face of our Lord Jesus Christ.