Welcome to Our Worship Page!

Join us in person or online!

Our online worship can be found at https://www.facebook.com/piumc

Worship is…


Gathering with others, praising and enjoying our relationship with God.

Worship is also a time to remember and to consider God’s blessings in our life and to feel God’s presence in a real way.  It is a time to praise God for what we have freely received from Jesus Christ, alongside of others who are on this journey of life with us.


It is something we do each week at 9:00 am on Sundays.


To join us online, visit http://www.facebook.com/piumc  


You are welcomed to join with us as we worship our Lord!

On Sunday, February 2, 2025, we continue to hear about the beginning of the earthly ministry of Jesus, and we listen in to his first sermon as he reads from the Prophet Isaiah – and the response of those in the Sanctuary.


And we consider how we respond if we notice God blessing other people, in addition to us.  How does that make us feel, and how do we act?


Here is this Sunday’s bulletin…
2-2-2025 bulletin

Here is Sunday’s sermon… 
2-2-2025 sermon

This is the link to the video we offered online
during Holy Communion on February 2, 2025


Love in Abundance


We all know there’s one day every year when we focus on love, but what could it look like if that love spilled into all the other days of the year? Imagine food banks being filled, people walking through hard times with others, patience, forgiveness. Imagine making a difference in the lives of people who need Jesus and who need you.

Here are our recent worship videos

On Sunday, February 2, 2025, we continue to hear about the beginning of the earthly ministry of Jesus, and we listen in to his first sermon as he reads from the Prophet Isaiah – and the response of those in the Sanctuary.


And we consider how we respond if we notice God blessing other people, in addition to us.  How does that make us feel, and how do we act?

This is our worship service for Sunday, January 26, 2025.

We hear about the beginning of the earthly ministry of Jesus, and we listen in to his first sermon as he reads from the Prophet Isaiah.


And we consider if what Jesus said was true – and if it is true, how it relates to our lives this week.  And contemplate on how we are to live our lives if Jesus truly was the one that Isaiah promised would come and save God’s people.

This is our worship service for Sunday, January 19, 2025.

We hear about the beginning of the earthly ministry of Jesus, and we look at his first miracle in the gospel of John – changing the water into wine.


We consider why that miracle took place, why Jesus did such a thing – and what it means as we live this way in the world.

This is our worship service for Sunday, January 12, 2025.

We celebrate the Baptism of Jesus today.


As we hear of Jesus’ baptism and God’s declaration of love for him, we remember and consider our own baptisms – and what it means for us…

And what our baptisms mean for the world.

This is our worship service for Sunday, January 5, 2025.

It is Epiphany Sunday.


We hear the story of astrologists who were not a part of the Jewish tradition who traveled from Persia following the star that announced the birth of a newborn King for the Jewish nation… 


And celebrate what that means for the world.

This is our worship service for Sunday, December 29, 2024.

This is the First Sunday after Christmas.


On this Sunday following Christmas and the story of Jesus’ birth each year, we fill in the years since his birth up to his baptism when he was 30 years old. 

This year we hear of when Jesus was 12 years old…


It seems Jesus stayed behind on the family’s annual trip to Jerusalem, and Joseph and Mary have to travel back to Jerusalem to look for their missing boy.  I wonder where they eventually find him…


As we begin this morning, we recall that throughout Advent, we lit one more candle each Sunday as we came closer to Christmas Eve.  This year, there is an overlap of religious calendars, and we are able to light other candles – ones which go all the way back to Maccabean Revolt which took place about 150 years before Jesus was born…

This is our worship service for Sunday, December 22, 2024.


This is the Fourth Sunday of Advent.


Who do you run to when your life gets upended? 


Join us as we hear the story of Mary, the expectant mother of Jesus, hurrying to visit her relative Elizabeth.  And we listen in as Mary breaks into her song glorifying God. 


What is the song that we are to sing to the world?

This is our worship service for Sunday, December 15, 2024.


This is the Third Sunday of Advent.


How should we live our life? 

That’s the question that those hearing John the Baptist were asking him. 

Today we hear John telling them – and us – what we should do.


This is our worship service for Sunday, December 8, 2024.


It is the Second Sunday of Advent.


We have a special treat this morning as our children bring us the Good News of the birth of Jesus with their Christmas Program!

This is our worship service for Sunday, December 1, 2024.


It is the First Sunday of Advent, the first Sunday of the Christian liturgical year.


As we wait for the arrival of Jesus – the celebration of Christmas, as well as when Christ comes in final victory, we consider what we should do while we are waiting.

This is our worship service for Sunday, November 24, 2024.


This morning we recognize that this is the last Sunday of the Christian liturgical year – and we will celebrate that Christ is King of all. 


We also want to take the opportunity to thank you for your ministry in 2024.

This is our worship service for Sunday, November 17, 2024.


Does it seem like the end of the world is coming?  We are not the first followers of Jesus to feel this way. 


And the advice we received about 2,000 years ago still is good advice today.

This is our worship service for Sunday, November 10, 2024.


This week we find out how two can be more than 50.  We hear Jesus telling his disciples about how God does accounting. 


And we consider how cheerful and joyful we are when we give for the sake of others.

This is our worship service for Sunday, November 3, 2024.

Thanks for being a part of our online church!


This week we celebrate All Saints’ Sunday and remember those who have died this past year. 


We also hear Jesus telling us that he is the resurrection and the life and those who believe in him will never die – but live with him forever.

This is our worship service for Sunday, October 27.


This week we go beyond listening in as Jesus teaches his disciples – to seeing love in action. 


Bartimaeus is healed by Jesus –

and we hear Jesus asking us, “What do you want me to do for you?”

This is our worship service for Sunday, October 20.


This week we continue to listen in as Jesus teaches his disciples. 


What must we do to be the greatest of all time – a GOAT? 

The answer surprised James and John, and shows us how we are to lead by serving others.

This is our worship service for Sunday, October 13, 2024


This week we continue to listen in as Jesus teaches a man with many possessions and his disciples. 


What must we do to obtain eternal life?

This is our worship service for Sunday, October 6, 2024


This week we celebrate the baptism of Felix Lee Cook here in Pine Island – and we celebrate World Communion Sunday in mystical union with churches around the world. 


And Jesus shares some thoughts about divorce and who gets to enter into God’s kingdom.

This is our worship service for Sunday, September 29, 2024


This week we finish our contemplation of the Letter of James. 

We will be looking at – and maybe even experiencing – the healing power of prayer, and welcoming home again those who might have wandered away.

This is our worship service for Sunday, September 22, 2024


This week we continue looking at the Letter of James. 


We know we have conflict now, just as the church in the time of James did. 


So what can we do?  How do we respond when we are surrounded by conflict, and how can we find the inspiration to live as we know we should?

This is our worship service for Sunday, September 15, 2024


This week we continue looking at the Letter of James. 

James tells us that the tongue is a dangerous thing, full of deadly poison. 

So here’s the question…  Can we tame the tongue?

This is our worship service for Sunday, September 8, 2024


This week we continue looking at the Letter of James.  What is more important? 


Having faith that Jesus saves us? 

Or is it doing what Jesus wants us to do? 


Turns out we already know the answer!!

This is our worship service for Sunday, September 1, 2024


This week we begin looking at the Letter of James.  We will hear how to live out our faith and be able to truly say we are “Living the Life!”

This is our worship service for Sunday, August 25, 2024


This week we continue to look at the Apostle Paul’s letter and advice to the churches in the region around Ephesus – hearing about the importance of prayer all the time and always being thankful to God.

This is our worship service for Sunday, August 18, 2024


This week we continue to look at the Apostle Paul’s letter and advice to the churches in the region around Ephesus – focusing on how to live a spirit-filled life, praising the Lord, and always being thankful to God.

This is our worship service for Sunday, August 11, 2024


This week we continue to look at the Apostle Paul’s letter and advice to the churches in the region around Ephesus – how we are to live as Christians and what we are to be doing – and also how we can help reconcile a divided world.

This is our worship service for Sunday, August 4, 2024


This week we take a look at the Apostle Paul’s letter and advice to the churches in the region around Ephesus – how we are to live as Christians and what we are to be doing – and also what Pastor Tony sees himself working toward in his role as your pastor.

On Sunday, July 28, we welcomed Pastor Marilyn Loken.  She has served United Methodist Congregations in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and New Zealand.

We are pleased that Pastor Marilyn was with us and leading our worship here in Pine Island!

This is our worship service for Sunday, July 21, 2024


This week we hear about the twelve disciples returning after Jesus sent them out to proclaim the good news, cast out demons, and heal the sick – and how important it is to have a time of Sabbath rest.

Thanks for being a part of our online church!

This is our worship service for Sunday, July 14, 2024


On Sunday, July 14, we hear the not-so-good story of Herod the king beheading John the Baptist. 

Don’t be like Herod. 

But how do we do the right thing when we are pressured to do the wrong thing?

This is our worship service for Sunday, July 7, 2024


On Sunday, July 7, we hear the story of Jesus sending out the twelve disciples to proclaim his good news and to heal people. 


And we look at the reasons that keep us from sharing the good news of Jesus with others.

This is our worship service for Sunday, June 30, 2024


On Sunday, June 30, we hear the story of Jesus healing not just one, but two people.  We will also consider the blessing of Jesus’ love and grace in our own lives.


We are also celebrating the baptism of Wilhelmina Rosemary Fink.

This is our worship service for Sunday, June 23, 2024


On Sunday, June 23, we hear the story of Jesus in the boat with his disciples, calming the storm at sea.  And we consider how Jesus can help us when we find ourselves in the storms of life.

This is our worship service for Sunday, June 9, 2024


On Sunday, June 9, we have the joy of celebrating our Vacation Bible School.  Our children went to Camp Firelight this week and learned about trusting God.  This morning our “campers” will share with us some of what they experienced.

Sunday, June 2, is the 2024 Pine Island Cheese Festival Community Hymn Sing sponsored by the Pine Island Area Ministerial Association! 


The Pine Island Area Ministerial Association is a group of area pastors who meet each month for coordination of local ministry.

This is our worship service for Sunday, May 26, 2024


On this Memorial Day weekend, we hear Jesus telling Nicodemus how to truly come closer to God, and about the quality of God’s love for us – and for the world.


We also remember those who have given of themselves in service to our nation and to the world as we celebrate Memorial Day here.

This is our worship service for Sunday, May 19, 2024


We are celebrating the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came to the disciples 2,000 years ago! 


And we consider what it means for us, people who are now empowered to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our world today!


We are also celebrating our graduating seniors and are remembering those who died in this past year.

This is our worship service for Sunday, May 12, 2024


We are celebrating the Ascension of Jesus to Heaven 2,000 years ago! 


And we consider that now that Jesus no longer walks the earth, who will be the hands and feet of Jesus in our world today?

This is our worship service for Sunday, May 5, 2024


We continue to celebrate Easter! 

And we rejoice in what the resurrection of Jesus means for us! 


This week we hear that Jesus wants to share his joy with us.  A joy that is complete and full.  And we will hear how we can come to have this wonderful joy in our lives.

This is our worship service for Sunday, April 28, 2024


We continue to celebrate Easter! 

And we rejoice in what the resurrection of Jesus means for us! 


This week we hear that we are to love each other.  That’s nothing new… but what’s the secret that allows us to actually do it?  And to be an example and a beacon to a divided world?

This is our worship service for Sunday, April 21, 2024


We continue to celebrate Easter! 

And we rejoice in what the resurrection of Jesus means for us! 


This morning we celebrate the baptism of Quinn Jo Lowry!


This week also we hear Jesus telling the crowds that he is the Good Shepherd.  And we consider what it means for Jesus to be OUR Good Shepherd.

This is our worship service for Sunday, April 14, 2024


We continue to celebrate Easter! 

And we rejoice in what the resurrection of Jesus means for us! 


This week we hear Luke’s version of the story of Jesus appearing to his disciples the night of that first Easter, and the assignment he gives to them… and us.

This is our worship service for Sunday, April 7, 2024


This week we continue to celebrate Easter! 


And we rejoice in what the resurrection of
Jesus means for us! 


We hear the story of Thomas, the disciple who
wasn’t there when Jesus appeared to the other disciples on the evening of
Easter.  And how Jesus came back for Thomas, so that he, and we, could believe…

This is our worship service for Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024


This week we have the joyous celebration of Easter! 

Jesus is risen from the dead! 


And the world has been changed!!

This is our worship service for Sunday, March 24, 2024


This week is a rollercoaster of worship.  We begin with the joyous triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, and our children are singing as we celebrate Palm Sunday.  And we finish our service remembering the last hours of Jesus’ life, his death on the cross, and his burial.  Finally, we are left waiting for the surprise that we know is coming on Easter morning…

Sunday, March 10, 2024


This week we hear about the love that God has for us – a love so strong that he gave his Son for us!  And we consider our response to God’s love.  Will we accept the gift of God’s forgiving grace?  Will our lives be changed?

This is our worship service for Sunday, March 3, 2024


This week we hear about Jesus, at the very beginning of his ministry, predicting that he will be killed… and then on the third day, rise from the dead. 


If he can pull this off, well that just might change the world – and the rules of the universe!

Sunday, February 25, 2024


This week we hear Jesus telling his disciples that he will be rejected by the religious authorities and be killed.  Simon Peter grabs Jesus, and scolds Jesus, and tells him that he’s wrong. 


You can imagine how that went. 


Jesus then continues to tell his disciples and the larger crowd what the cost is of making the decision to follow him.

This is our worship service for Sunday, February 18, 2024


This week we hear the story of Jesus being forced by the Holy Spirit to a 40‑day retreat in the wilderness…  and what this retreat prepared him to do.

Sunday, February 11, 2024


This week we hear the story of Jesus being on the mountain top with Peter, James, and John – and how his appearance was changed… transfigured in their presence.


We will also consider when we have experienced “thin places” in our lives – and how we can open ourselves up to experience more of them.

Christmas Eve, December 24, 2023

We joyfully greet our members and their loved ones and all our guests as we worship Jesus at our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service!

We remember together, with awe and gratitude how God shone his light into our darkness on that first Christmas. We pray that we may be bearers of his light to all who languish in the darkness of poverty, illness and fear. May we share with the world the light that shines from the face of our Lord Jesus Christ.